Dit is wie ons is en wat ons glo

wie ons is

Deo Kerk is oorspronklik ‘n Afrikaans sprekende Gemeente, wat in 1976 in Newcastle gevestig is. In 2015 het ons ook na die Engels sprekende mense van Newcastle begin uitreik, en ons eerste Engelse diens in Februarie 2015 begin. Ons is baie opgewonde om ook Engels sprekende mense deel te maak van ons wonderlike familie van gelowiges.
By Deo Kerk is ons ‘n Familie van Bybelse gelowiges. Ons is lief vir God, lief vir ons naaste en ons het ook sondaars lief. Deur vir mekaar lief te wees, druk ons ook ons liefde vir God uit. Ons wil almal wat na Deo Kerk toe kom, help om te groei in hul verhouding met Jesus Christus. Ons wil sien dat mense gered word; genees word; bevry word; dissipels van Jesus word; en bemagtig word sodat almal uiteindelik Jesus Christus en sy Koninkryk kan dien. Dit begin deur die belewenis wat mense kry by ons naweek byeenkomste, in Afrikaans en Engels.

Kerk is meer as om net ‘n Sondag byeenkoms by te woon. Dit is interaksie met mense, groei in jou geloof en ook bou aan sterk verhoudinge in jou familie. By die Deo Kerk Familie, is dit maklik vir mense om in die groep weg te raak en daarom is ons ‘n Gemeente met kleingroepe. Ons noem dit DeoCircles. Ons het baie DeoCircles wat weekliks in Newcastle en Utrecht bymekaar kom, en ons DeoCircle Fasiliteerders is ywerig om jou te ontmoet en beter te leer ken.

Ons droom is dat elke persoon wat in Newcastle en die omgewing woon in Jesus Christus sal glo; aan ‘n familie sal behoort; ‘n Dissipel van Jesus Christus sal word; en ‘n bouer van die Koninkryk van God sal wees. Ons wil Christus gelykvormige gemeenskappe Demonstreer, Dupliseer en Ontwikkel regoor die wêreld.


Deo Kerk is ‘n Gees gedrewe Familie wat Newcastle en die wêreld verander met die liefde van Jesus.


Ons glo dat dit waardes is wat ‘n visie dryf, en daarom het ons kernwaarhede geidentifiseer, sodat mense kan verstaan wie ons is.

We Value


Being the hands and feet of Jesus, is a core value at Deo Church. We are passionate about spreading the light of Jesus in a dark world by actively engaging in missions, locally and globally. Our commitment is to serve others generously by creating a platform for all to minister from. We believe that the light which shines the furthest, shines the brightest at home. Through our actions and outreach efforts, we desire to make disciples of All Nations.

We Value


Healthy growth in spirit, soul and body is a paramount value at Deo Church. By acknowledging that everything in God’s creation is created with the ultimate potential and purpose to grow in a healthy manner, we prioritize the full development of our partners. We encourage individual and community growth through various spiritual disciplines, building healthy friendships and serving faithfully.

We Value


Authentic relationships between real people are a fundamental value at Deo Church. We believe circles are always better than rows. True transformation always happens in smaller settings, rather than big groups. In a world often marked by superficial interactions, we prioritise authenticity, vulnerability and meaningful connections. We aim to create an environment where people can truly be themselves, build lasting friendships and support each other on their faith journeys.

We Value


At Deo Church, we hold the core value of Worship in spirit and truth. This value emphasises our commitment to authentic and heartfelt worship in a manner that pleases God, not man. We believe that true worship involves not only the outward expression of praise but also a genuine, sincere connection with Holy Spirit and an unwavering commitment to obeying.

We Value


Learning and living according to God’s truth in the Word, is a foundational value at Deo Church. We are committed to studying and understanding the teachings of the Bible, which we believe to be the ultimate source of divine truth. Through continuous learning, reflection and prayer, we seek to align our lives with God’s Word, allowing it to guide our beliefs, values and actions. This value underscores our dedication to living a life that reflects the principles and wisdom found in Scripture.

Belydenis van Geloof

Die geloof van ons Gemeente is gegrond op die volgende:

Die Sending van die kerk is:

Die Gemeente erken die volgende bedieninge:

Die Toerustende Bedieninge volgens Efesiers 4:1-14
Die charismatiese bedieningsgawes soos beskryf in Romeine 12:6-9 en 1 Korinthiers 12:4-11
Ouderlinge en diakens volgens 1 Timotheus 3 en Titus 1